Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren announced that in the coming days, his government is planning to waive off the electricity bills of those consumers in the state who are not within the income tax bracket. He stated that all such consumers will have their entire electricity bills waived. In the second phase, the government will assess and try to provide relief to middle-class electricity consumers as well. The Chief Minister made this announcement on Tuesday at a grand ceremony organized in the Pandanpahari field of the Jama Assembly in Dumka, under the Santhal Pargana Divisional Chief Minister Maiya Samman Yojana.
Maiya Samman Yojana Amount Transferred
On this occasion, Hemant Soren transferred an amount of ₹73 crore 29 lakh online through DBT as honorarium to the bank accounts of 7,329,06 beneficiaries across the six districts of Santhal Pargana—Dumka, Deoghar, Sahibganj, Godda, Pakur, and Jamtara. He said that 50 lakh women aged 21 to 50 years across the state are being covered under this scheme. After the elections, this target will be increased to one lakh. He mentioned that the women associated with this scheme are experiencing immense happiness and enthusiasm. This enthusiasm gives them the strength to fight every difficulty and challenge.
The Chief Minister emphasized that the state will progress only by empowering and strengthening half of its population. He mentioned that his government is consistently working in the public interest, reaching out to the last person in the state. People who had never seen a block office are now having government officials reach their doorsteps to solve their problems.
Immediate Solutions to Problems
He noted that while immediate solutions to some problems might not be possible, the government is being made aware of them. Hemant Soren stated that his government is not being run from the headquarters but from the villages. Without strengthening the villages, the state cannot be empowered.
He added that his government is not working for traders but for the progress of the common people and farmers. The government is running several schemes to economically strengthen farmers. Alternative agriculture is being promoted, keeping in mind climate change.
He highlighted that schemes like the Birsa Harit Gram Yojana, Didi Badi Yojana, and Mukhyamantri Pashudhan Yojana have improved the condition of farmers. He said that his government has created a new dimension for tribals, natives, Dalits, backward classes, minorities, farmers, laborers, the elderly, women, and youth, which is causing tension for the BJP.
CM Soren Called Jharkhand the Golden Bird
He remarked that they would fight for their rights and entitlements. Jharkhand is like a “golden bird,” and it won’t be acceptable for the people here to remain in poverty. He mentioned that in the coming days, the companies exploiting the state’s mineral resources will have to provide 75% of the jobs to local people and fair compensation to the landowners. If not, such companies will be shown the door. The BJP is running a campaign to break the government and MLAs in Jharkhand, engaging in political conspiracies under the guise of religion and caste.
He criticized the BJP, saying that the party is openly experiencing internal conflict. All BJP leaders in Jharkhand have failed, so now leaders from Assam, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, and Uttarakhand are being brought to Jharkhand.
The event was attended by Labor Minister Satyanand Bhokta, Social Welfare Minister Baby Devi, Tourism Minister Hafizul Hasan, Agriculture Minister Deepika Pandey, Rural Development Minister Dr. Irfan Ansari, MP Nalin Soren, MLAs Pradeep Yadav, Basant Soren, Badal Patralekh, Dinesh William Marandi, Kalpana Soren, along with thousands of beneficiaries.