Nirsa (Dhanbad): On Thursday, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, addressing an election rally of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) at the Naya Danga Kali Temple complex in Nirsa, once again reiterated his stance on “divide and perish, unite and stay safe.” He launched a strong attack on Bangladeshi infiltrators, Rohingya Muslims, and Left-wing extremists, urging people to drive them out and form a BJP government in Jharkhand.
As soon as Yogi Adityanath, dressed in saffron robes, took the stage, he began his speech with “Bharat Mata Ki Jai” and “Vande Mataram.” He also referred to the birth anniversary of Birsa Munda, honoring the indigenous people and the coal region, trying to win the support of the local population by calling it a “sacred land.”
Honoring Birsa Munda
Yogi emphasized that November 15 is Birsa Munda’s birth anniversary and that Prime Minister Narendra Modi had decided to honor him across the country. He also noted that early trends in the first phase of Jharkhand’s elections indicated a resounding return of BJP to power in the state. Referring to the grand Kali Temple in Nirsa and the Ram Temple in Ayodhya, Yogi energized the local voters and Ram devotees alike.
Opposition Parties as ‘One and the Same’
Yogi criticized opposition parties such as Congress, JMM, RJD, and Left parties, calling them all part of the same “dishonest alliance” whose sole aim was to loot Jharkhand. He blamed the Left parties for providing shelter to Naxalites and exploiting coal workers, and called out the Congress and Left for exploiting Jharkhand’s mineral wealth while leaving the workers behind.
He questioned the treatment of BJP candidate Aparna Sengupta’s husband, which the people of Nirsa were aware of, and stressed the need to remove the coalition government led by Congress, JMM, RJD, and Left.
Corruption in Central Schemes
Yogi pointed out that while the central government was building a “New India” and achieving new milestones in development, there was rampant looting of funds meant for welfare schemes for the poor, farmers, laborers, and women. He assured that under a BJP government in Jharkhand, women would receive ₹2,100 per month under the Gogo Didi scheme. He also mentioned that the elderly would benefit from ₹5 lakh health coverage under Modi’s scheme.
National Security and Anti-Terrorism Measures
Yogi discussed how the country’s borders were now safer, contrasting it with the previous Congress government under which soldiers were martyred daily. He highlighted how India no longer waits for orders to take action against terrorists and how even Pakistan trembles in the face of India’s resolve. He insisted on the need to drive out Bangladeshi infiltrators, Rohingya Muslims, and Left extremists.
UP’s Glory Returning
Yogi also talked about Uttar Pradesh, where BJP has brought back glory after taking power in 2017, ending issues like “love jihad,” “land jihad,” and gang wars. He mentioned how temples were being built, and development was underway, with the state restoring the pride and respect of Hindus.
BJP Candidates Also Target Opponents
BJP candidate Aparna Sengupta from Nirsa criticized the Left-wing for closing factories in the area and causing unemployment. She urged voters to respond by ensuring the defeat of the Left in this election. Tera Devi, the BJP candidate from Sindri, also encouraged people to reject the Left-wing in favor of peace and development.
Tight Security and Special Arrangements
The event was held under strict security, with barricades set up half a kilometer before the venue, and both two-wheeler and four-wheeler vehicles were stopped. Police were using metal detectors to check people, causing inconvenience to the attendees. BJP leaders repeatedly requested the authorities to allow the crowd to enter.
Yogi arrived at the helipad at 12:49 PM and was welcomed by BJP leaders. After visiting the Naya Danga Kali Temple and the Shri Ram Temple to offer prayers, he addressed the crowd at 1 PM. His speech lasted for about 15 minutes, after which he briefly rested in a temporary room before departing for the helipad.