The documentary film Yo Yo Honey Singh: Famous was announced a few days ago. This film will explore the life and career of Indian hip-hop star Honey Singh. The film is directed by Moses Singh and produced by Oscar-winning producer Guneet Monga’s production house, Sikhya Entertainment.
This docu-film will showcase Honey Singh’s life journey. Honey Singh’s real name is Hirdesh Singh. The film will depict his rise to fame and the subsequent phases of his life.
Sikhya Entertainment producers Guneet Monga and Achin Jain expressed their excitement about the project. They said, “With Yo Yo Honey Singh: Famous, we are revealing the true aspects of his story. From his rise to fame to his struggles and successful comeback, this journey gives us a glimpse of his determination, new beginnings, and honest truth.”
Where and when can Honey Singh’s documentary be watched?
The documentary film on Honey Singh, Yo Yo Honey Singh: Famous, will be released on Netflix. Viewers will be able to watch the documentary on Netflix from December 20, 2024. Moses Singh, the director of the documentary, said, “Honey Singh has experienced so much in this one lifetime, which rarely happens in many lifetimes. This film covers love, sorrow, family, success, failure, mental health, and fame. It highlights many stages of his journey and shows the revolutionary impact he had on Indian hip-hop culture.”
The documentary will also feature stories from his family and friends. Talking about the film, Honey Singh had earlier said, “I have spoken about my personal and career issues in the media, but I have never been open about everything. My fans have given me so much love, and they have the right to know my full story. This Netflix documentary will be an honest account of my life, my childhood, and my current struggles.”
Honey Singh has previously composed music for many hit Bollywood songs, including “Lungi Dance” (Chennai Express), “Aata Majhi Satkali” (Singham Returns), and “Aaj Blue Hai Paani Paani” (Yaariyan).