State Bureau, Ranchi: The Enforcement Directorate (ED), investigating various cases in Jharkhand, has lodged a complaint against retired IAS officer Rajiv Arun Ekka with the Lokpal. On December 10, the ED wrote to the Lokpal, sharing details of findings from its investigation into Rajiv Arun Ekka.
The ED stated that during the probe into the MGNREGA scam and illegal stone mining cases, searches were conducted on May 24, 2022, at the premises of Vishal Chaudhary, a close associate of politicians and bureaucrats in the state. This search revealed links to Rajiv Arun Ekka, who was then the Home Secretary of Jharkhand.
Searches Conducted at Ekka’s Relatives’ Premises
Following this, the ED conducted searches at the premises of Rajiv Arun Ekka, his wife, brother-in-law, and other relatives. It gathered information about their sources of income and investments. The findings pointed to disproportionate assets in Ekka’s possession. It was also discovered that large sums of money had been illicitly deposited in the accounts of Ekka and his family members.
A photograph of Rajiv Arun Ekka also went viral, showing him handling official files at Vishal Chaudhary’s residence.
Key Findings from the ED Investigation
- The ED’s investigation revealed that Ekka, in collusion with Vishal Chaudhary, had purchased items from the market at prices more than three times the actual cost.
- Bribes received were deposited in the accounts of Ekka’s family members.
- Vishal Chaudhary allegedly used ₹4 crore of his illegal earnings to purchase 59 decimals of land in Pundag.
- Ekka was also accused of taking bribes through Vishal Chaudhary for transfers and postings of IAS officers and others.
Code Words Used in Dealings
Transactions were carried out using code words:
- “R. Sir” and “RAE” referred to Rajiv Arun Ekka.
- “SSC” was used for Shweta Singh, Ekka’s wife.
- “File” referred to lakhs, and “Folder” indicated crores in terms of monetary exchanges.