Diljit Dosanjh’s Dil-Luminati Tour recently held a concert in Chandigarh. Photos and videos from the event are going viral on social media. Imtiaz Ali, the director of Diljit’s film Chamkila, also shared some clips on his Instagram account. Imtiaz shared this video, showing how Diljit recreated a scene from the film Chamkila in real life.
Imtiaz reshared a video on his story in which a large crowd gathered outside the stadium, enjoying Diljit’s concert. Some people were even seen climbing trees to watch Diljit live. Sharing this clip of fans’ excitement, Imtiaz Ali wrote, “‘Diljit effect,'” and in the same caption, he mentioned, “Chamkila is recreating.” In his next story, people were seen dancing at the venue of Diljit’s performance. In Imtiaz’s third story, Diljit showed the moment he performed a song from the film Chamkila, with the caption, “Chamkila in Chandigarh.”
During the concert, Diljit spoke about the inadequate infrastructure for concerts in India. He said, “I want an audience around me when I perform. I will not perform in India until there is good infrastructure for concerts in India.”
Diljit also shared photos and videos of his concert in Chandigarh and wrote, “No matter how much you try to stop me, I came to Punjab. Oh, Chandigarh was magic. Dil-Luminati Tour, Year 24.”
In a post, Diljit wrote, “Thank you so much, Chandigarh, everyone supported me a lot. Dosanjhwala loves you guys a lot.” On his post, a fan wrote, “You have won my heart with your singing,” while another called him the GOAT.
Before Diljit’s concert, the Chandigarh Commission for Protection of Child Rights (CCPCR) had advised Diljit not to perform alcohol-related songs like Patiala Peg, 5 Tara, and Kes.