Ranchi: Raghubar Das, the former Chief Minister of Jharkhand, who recently resigned from the post of Governor of Odisha, had wanted to return to the BJP before the state assembly elections. He had gone to Delhi to inform the senior party leaders of his desire. However, due to certain immediate reasons, he did not receive their consent, causing the issue of his return to the party to be delayed at that time.
After resigning as Governor, he wanted to contest the assembly elections from his traditional Jamshedpur East seat. Due to the potential for internal party conflicts, he was kept away from the race. However, the party indicated that Raghubar Das could return to politics at any time when they gave a ticket to his daughter-in-law for the assembly elections.
His daughter-in-law won the election, and now, under the new circumstances, arrangements will be made for his return to the party. He had to leave the party membership after becoming Governor due to constitutional constraints. Leaders of the Jharkhand BJP hope that Raghubar Das’s return will be clarified soon. His supporters are excited, believing that he could help the BJP overcome the despair of their defeat in the state assembly elections. His extensive organizational and administrative experience will be beneficial for the party. Raghubar Das has also stated that he will fulfill any responsibility entrusted to him by the party.
Temporarily Detached from State Politics
Raghubar Das was forced to step away from state politics about 14 months ago due to immediate reasons. This was done to give a free hand to Babulal Marandi. The BJP’s top leadership had hoped that under Marandi’s leadership, the party would return to power in the state. However, since they did not achieve the expected success in the assembly elections, the BJP now faces increasing challenges. In such circumstances, Raghubar Das, as the state president, could be a better option.
Preparation for a Grand Welcome
After resigning from the Governor’s post in Odisha, Raghubar Das has begun preparations for his return to the state. On Wednesday, he visited Puri to offer prayers at the Jagannath Temple. After completing the formalities in Bhubaneswar, he is expected to return to Jharkhand in two days. His supporters are making extensive arrangements for his grand welcome. During the Odisha Governor’s swearing-in ceremony, a large number of his supporters had also traveled from Jharkhand.