Dabur vs Patanjali: The Delhi High Court has directed Patanjali Ayurved Limited to clarify its stance in a case filed by Dabur India, alleging defamation of its Chyawanprash in advertisements. Justice Mini Pushkarna issued summons on December 24, asking the respondents—Patanjali Ayurved and Patanjali Foods Limited—to submit their responses. The court has recorded the complaint as a suit and instructed the issuance of summons, granting the respondents 30 days to file a written statement.
Dabur alleged that Patanjali, while promoting its “Patanjali Special Chyawanprash,” made false and deliberate claims that tarnished the reputation of Dabur Chyawanprash, a product holding over 60% market share and recognized as one of the most popular in the market. The court has also issued a notice on Dabur’s plea seeking interim relief and scheduled the next hearing for January 30.
The petition states that Patanjali’s advertisements claim that only their “Patanjali Special Chyawanprash” is authentic, prepared using methods described by ancient sages such as Charak, Sushruta, Dhanvantari, and Chyawan Rishi. It further asserts that other manufacturers lack this knowledge, implying their products are ordinary. According to Dabur, Patanjali’s claims in TV commercials and print advertisements suggest that the Ayurvedic text used by them is the original recipe for making Chyawanprash, undermining other texts listed in the first schedule of the Drugs and Cosmetics (D&C) Act.
The plea demands a ban on advertisements, whether on TV or other media, that damage the reputation of Dabur Chyawanprash or make defamatory claims.