As soon as the rainy season starts, many kinds of insects and flies start appearing in the house; Who enter the kitchen and sit on vegetables, utensils, food. No matter how hard you clean the floor with finel, these insects and flies do not want to leave the house. Not only in the house, but also outside the house, insects, mosquitoes, flies can be seen. Some of these insects cause no harm; But some insects are highly poisonous. This can cause skin problems such as itching, burning or swelling.
In such a situation it is very important to keep the house as safe as possible from mosquitoes, flies and insects. If you want not even a single insect to roam around your house, then we are going to tell you some home remedies for that. Which are not expensive to do; But they are also very easy to do. Then let’s find out the solution…
Home Remedies To Keep Mosquitoes, Flies, Insects Away From Home During Monsoon
1) Lemon – Baking soda
One of the cheapest ways to keep pests away from your home is lemon and baking soda. Take water in a small bottle for that. Then add lemon juice and baking soda and mix well. Then spray that water in every corner of the house. Places like the kitchen, bathroom and toilet are likely to have more insects. So spray more there. Do this remedy once a week.
2) Neem oil
Neem oil is used as an insecticide. So, mix neem oil with some water and fill it in a spray bottle to repel insects. Spray this solution outside and inside the house. This will keep your house clean and insects will not enter at all.
3) Black pepper
Black pepper is considered an enemy of weevils, cockroaches and insects. So grind it and mix it with water. Now spray every corner of the house thoroughly with the help of a spray bottle. Insects do not like the strong smell of chilies so they run away from them. This cheap and easy method can be very useful for you.
4) Black film
Black film can also be very helpful in keeping pests away from your home. You stick black film on the doors and windows. This is a thin sheet; Which prevents the light from going out in the house at night. And insects enter the house only after seeing the light. Applying black film in such situations will prevent insects from entering the house as they cannot see the light.
5) Peppermint and lavender
You can use peppermint and lavender essential oils to beautify your home, as well as repel insects. It is beneficial to repel insects, you only need to spray it on the area where the insects are. Thus, insects, flies, mosquitoes will not move around the house.