Popular Bollywood actor Govinda and his nephew Krushna Abhishek have been constantly in the news due to their private disputes. Their arguments and accusations seem to attract the attention of fans. However, fans recently got to see Krushna Abhishek and Govinda together. Govinda appeared on The Great Indian Kapil Show, and for the first time in the last seven years, the two were seen sharing the stage. Amidst jokes and fun, they decided to end the gap between them that had lasted for seven years.
Govinda was seen joking about his leg injury. He also asked Krushna to apologize to his wife, Sunita Ahuja. Despite their differences, Govinda is sure that Sunita Ahuja loves Krushna. “He cried a lot then,” Govinda remarked.
Krushna Abhishek took Govinda’s hand and led him to the front of the stage. They were seen dancing together to the song ‘Filmon Ke Saare Hero’. Krushna then hugged Govinda tightly and called him ‘Mama No. 1’.
Later in the show, Krushna joked about chicken leg piss, to which Govinda teased him, saying, “He cried a lot when I shot him in the leg and admitted him to the hospital. Now, he’s joking about leg piss. If I had shot a little harder, imagine how much the leg would have shattered.”
Krushna Abhishek expressed his feelings on The Great Indian Kapil Show, saying, “Today is one of those days to remember. I have completed seven years of exile today.” Upon hearing this, Govinda said, “My elder sister was like my mother to me. Krushna is her son. I have never been in exile. He was mimicking me, and I got angry with him, so he stayed away from me. But my wife told me that the whole industry is doing the same, so I shouldn’t say anything to Krushna. Let him make money.”
Govinda then asked Krushna to apologize to his wife, Sunita Ahuja, saying, “Apologize to her. She loves you.” To which Krushna replied, “I love her too, and I apologize if I have offended her.”
In 2016, Govinda did not approve of Krushna Abhishek’s joke about him, and since then, a rift was seen between them. However, after Govinda accidentally shot himself in October 2024, Krushna Abhishek met him. Meanwhile, The Great Indian Kapil Show aired on Netflix, with Govinda, Chunky Pandey, and Shakti Kapoor also appearing as chief guests.