In Jharkhand, the police are using satellite imagery to identify and destroy opium fields effectively. The Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) provides maps and data through the “Drugs App,” which pinpoints opium plantations with latitude and longitude details. Based on this information, the police locate and eliminate the illegal crops.
Key Highlights:
- Use of Satellite Technology:
- Satellite cameras identify blooming opium flowers during their peak season (December-January).
- The data enables targeted action against drug cultivation.
- Performance in Chatra and Khunti:
- These districts have recorded the highest success rates in destroying opium fields.
- The state government, led by Chief Minister Hemant Soren, has intensified efforts to combat drug cultivation and warned local law enforcement about accountability.
- Law Enforcement Statistics (Jan 2023 – Sep 2024):
- Cases Registered: 1,092
- Arrests Made: 1,601
- Seizures:
- Ganja: 2,974 kg
- Opium: 1,119 kg
- Brown Sugar: 10,504 g
- Heroin: 52.21 g
- Doda: 44,751 g
In 2024 alone (up to September), the police registered 563 cases, arrested 828 suspects, and seized significant quantities of various narcotics.
These efforts have disrupted drug trafficking networks, causing significant concern among offenders while reinforcing law enforcement’s commitment to eradicating the narcotics trade.