A vehicle carrying police personnel, who were returning after escorting former Jharkhand Chief Minister Champai Soren, overturned in a road accident. One of the police personnel, Virban Singh, died on the spot, while five others, including SI Manoj Bhagat, were seriously injured. The injured have been admitted to TMH for treatment. The incident occurred late Tuesday night near Mudiya Mod.
The Incident:
The former Chief Minister was returning to his home in Jilinggoda after a three-day visit to Delhi. Five police personnel, including an SI, were assigned from the Seraikela Police Line to escort him. While returning after the escort duty, their vehicle collided with an oncoming vehicle near Mudiya Mod, causing the police vehicle to overturn.
Due to the collision and overturning of the vehicle, police personnel Virban Singh died on the spot, while SI Manoj Bhagat, constables Harish Laguri, Dayal Mahto, Sawan Chandra Hembrom, and Silas Milson Lakra were seriously injured.
Hearing the sound of the collision, local residents rushed to the spot and informed the police. The Seraikela police arrived at the scene and transported the injured to the Sadar Hospital. The doctors then referred the injured police personnel to TMH for better treatment.
Seraikela Police Station in-charge Hiralal stated that a vehicle coming from the opposite direction collided with the police vehicle returning after escorting former Chief Minister Champai Soren, resulting in the death of one constable on the spot and injuries to five others.