Ranchi Bureau, Ranchi: Ranchi News – Health Minister Irfan Ansari has announced plans to build a new medical college and hospital (RIMS-2) in Ranchi at a cost of ₹1,000 crores. During a review meeting held on Friday at the RCH Auditorium in Namkum, he instructed the department to prepare a proposal for this project and mentioned that he would discuss it personally with Chief Minister Hemant Soren.
Major Announcements by the Health Minister
- New Medical College and Hospital (RIMS-2): A new facility to be built with an investment of ₹1,000 crores.
- Primary Healthcare Centers (PHCs): Proposal to set up 1,000 new PHCs and 500 health sub-centers in remote areas.
- Replacement of Old Equipment: All medical equipment and machinery older than 10 years in hospitals and health centers to be replaced.
- Hospital Managers: A total of 225 hospital managers will be appointed for better management:
- One manager each in district hospitals and other health centers.
- Three managers in each medical college.
- Outsourcing Agencies: Existing outdated outsourcing agencies will be removed, and new agencies will be selected within 10 days.
- Modern Hospitals Instead of Mohalla Clinics: The state will no longer open neighborhood clinics but will focus on establishing modern hospitals.
Directives for Health Officials
- Civil surgeons and superintendents were warned that doctors or officials unwilling to work should voluntarily leave their posts, or disciplinary action would be taken.
- Facilities for MRI and CT scans must be operational in all medical colleges and district hospitals.
Two-Shift Doctor Availability in Government Hospitals
Doctors in government hospitals will now attend to patients in two shifts:
- Winter Timings: 9 AM to 1 PM and 5 PM to 6 PM.
- Summer Timings: 9 AM to 1 PM and 4 PM to 6 PM.
Inspection of Private Hospitals in Ranchi
- Health Minister directed officials to inspect private hospitals to ensure compliance with all necessary standards and government guidelines.
- The inspection will begin with five major private hospitals in Ranchi.
Monitoring of Private Pharmacies
- The minister also instructed officials to monitor the medicines sold at private pharmacies through an online portal to ensure compliance.