Rahul Gandhi on Badlapur KG Girl Sexual Abuse: Congress MP and Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha, Rahul Gandhi, today criticized the atrocities against women and girls, citing the Badlapur incident. Rahul Gandhi posted on X, condemning the system for attempting to conceal the crime rather than delivering justice to the victims. An unprecedented protest erupted in Badlapur on Tuesday, August 20, after a case of sexual abuse involving two minor girls at the Adarsh Education Institute’s school came to light, drawing national attention.
After the sexual assault case surfaced in Badlapur, the victim’s family went to the police station to file a complaint, but they had to wait for 12 hours. The prolonged delay in filing an FIR has led to widespread criticism of police procedures. The opposition also targeted the grand coalition government, condemning the police’s inaction. Rahul Gandhi highlighted this issue in his post, questioning, “Do people now have to protest even to file an FIR?”
“After the rape of the little girls in Badlapur, the first step should have been to deliver justice to them. But this stance wasn’t taken until people took to the streets. Do people now have to take to the streets just to file an FIR? Why is it becoming so difficult for victims to even approach the police station?” Rahul Gandhi questioned.
He further stated that more effort is being made to hide the crime than to deliver justice, particularly affecting women and people from marginalized communities. Rahul Gandhi also pointed out that not filing an FIR not only humiliates the victims but also emboldens the accused.